Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The company policy must include the following procedures in Order

Question: Discuss About the Company Policy Must Include the Following Procedures in Order? Answer: Introducation: In Australia, in order to start hotel business, it is mandatory that the company comply with the legal requirements. The company policy must include the following procedures in order t create and maintain a safe and secure workplace system. The company must obtain a valid business license. Since the company is engaged in selling food to the customers, it is important that the owner of the company may inform the local council about the proper authority such as cafes, pubs, hotels, restaurants, etc. in order to obtain a food license (Smedinghoff 2015). While obtaining the food license one must provide the local council information regarding the type of food, details of the supervisor, the target customers of the food, etc. The employer of the restaurant or the hotel must ensure that the staffs employed have undergone and are well acquainted with the basic training that is required for the workplace. It is one of the significant legal requirements in Australia that the staffs must be well trained in safety of food and in dealing with food, therefore, it is highly imperative that the restaurants or hotel employers comply with such requirement. In case that the staffs are not properly trained, the employer may use manuals to provide instructions to the staff; provide nationally approved training courses. Several states in Australia have made it mandatory to have a Food Safety Supervisor nominated among the staff. The supervisor must be well trained and must possess valid certificates for the training undertaken. In other words, the supervisor must be a certified trainer and is required to be registered before accepting the post. A safety supervisor may be anyone from the trained employees or the employer may appoint outside contractor for the post. Since hotel business is related to food, it is mandatory for the workplace to be authorized as a certified and a safe business, thus, complying with regulations imposed by the Australian government. It is mandatory for any workplace to maintain Data-Security Standards (DSS) to ensure that the data and information relating to the employees, staffs and the customers of the company is safe and secure. In order to secure the data of the company, its employees and customers, it is important that the workplace consider the following safety measures. One such measure includes encryption of credit card is maintained by the company to secure the credit card information of the customers. Another safety method is to segregate the cardholder date from the remaining network (Safa, Von Solms and Furnell 2016). In order to ensure security and safety of the information, the workplace system must maintain an effective information security policy that would address and resolve any information related issues. The workplace system must comply with Australian Privacy Principles as stipulate under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). In case there is a legal requirement to collect and hold sensitive information about the clients, they shall be specifically requested to give their consent for the same. The information about the consumers and the staffs may be used or disclosed for business purpose only and prior consent shall be obtained for the same. The workplace system must ensure that the sensitive and personal information stored, collected or used by the staffs are safe and secure as the staffs are well trained to act in compliance with the statutory requirements of the privacy statements laid down in the Privacy Act (Douglas and Hoskins 2014). The workplace system must ensure that the sensitive and personal information are used or collected or disseminated solely for business purpose or for legal purpose. The customers must be ensured that their personal and sensitive information are immediately deleted or destroyed permanently by using proper secure methods. The information shared or obtained from the customers is not disclosed and the confidentiality of such information is highly maintained unless it is required to complete the customer transaction; express or implied consent is obtained; such dissemination shall prevent any serious threat to life or is require ensuring health and safety of the individual or public (Hameed 2014). In case, there is a suspicion of any illegal activity or grave misconduct, the information shall be disclosed or disseminated. The workplace system must include regular monitoring of the compliance of the legal requirements by the staffs employees and even the customers of the organization. The employer must conduct regular test to ensure that the security equipments and processes are working properly. The employer must plan out the operations of the workplace to ensure high standard of health and safety at the workplace and that the employees do not sustain any injuries and are safe and secured. Reference list Douglas, J. and Hoskins, S., 2014. Members on the move.Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia),36(1), p.42. Hameed, S., 2014. Good Practice Review. Safa, N.S., Von Solms, R. and Furnell, S., 2016. Information security policy compliance model in organizations.computers security,56, pp.70-82. Smedinghoff, T.J., 2015. An Overview of Data Security Legal Requirements for All Business Sectors.

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